Kimchi making / fermentation workshops

Our workshops became an overnight success and we try to add as many dates as we can, so that nobody misses out!

During a relaxed couple hours in the afternoon we teach about the basics of fermentation, provide you with the appropriate tools and knowledge to take home, and you leave with a jar full of your own ferment to watch it bubble and eventually eat it or brag to your friends.

Apart from scheduled workshops available in she shop section of the website, we are able to organise them as a fun group activity for your friends, staff, university society or whatever group of people you want to bring together for a bit of educational leisure time.

Depending on preference and availability, we are able to organise them either in the Bowhouse Courtyard Classroom or at a location of your choosing. Price, exact subject (maybe there is a different ferment than kimchi that you would like to make?) and conditions can be arranged individually - contact us for more information!